Canada Post’s yearly price changes will happen on Monday, January 15, 2018. While most prices have changed some – like the price of postage stamps, have remained the same. Check out the updated price sheets on our Postal Rates page. Here are a few of the changes:
- Lettermail rates for stamps have remained unchanged for yet another year! Rates for using a postage meter or indicia have gone up between 2¢ and 10¢ depending on size and weight.
- Neighbourhood Mail rates for overweight items are unchanged, but the options have greatly expanded! See our blog post for details. Regular weight items have increased by just 0.2¢ per piece.
- Personalized Mail has increased by 1¢ or 2¢ per piece for different categories but you can still save up to 60% over the cost of a postage stamp on a standard size piece.
- Publications Mail postage has increased by either 1¢ or 3¢ per piece depending on the service type.
- Postal Code Targeting has increased by 0.6¢ a piece.
From a service standpoint, the Incentive Lettermail and Postal Code Targeting services will no longer require you to sign a separate agreement contract with Canada Post in order to be accessed. This is fantastic news as it allows us to assist you without the time and hassle of dealing with extra Canada Post paperwork.
As always we are ready to help you with your mailing needs. Call us today and get your 2018 marketing campaign off to the right start!